Help for couples and individuals to achieve happy and satisfying sex lives
Sexual problems can have a big effect on even the strongest of relationships. It’s often hard to face up to difficulties and seek help. Our specially trained sex therapists are experienced in helping people deal with a range of sexual problems including loss of desire, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and pain on intercourse. Sometimes we just lose our sex drive, or maybe there is a specific sexual problem that is causing concern such as addictions to sex and the internet.
What it is
Sex therapy is a psychosexual counselling service for couples and individuals which helps with a range of sexual problems including loss of desire, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, and pain during intercourse. There may be a specific problem which is causing concern, such as addiction to sex or porn.

How it helps
Many people go through times in their lives when they encounter sexual difficulties. This could be as a result of entering into a new relationship, or as we age when different issues arise physically. There could be physical reasons why there are difficulties or there may be mental or emotional blocks getting in the way of a satisfying sexual relationship. We can work through these and help to find practical and therapeutic ways of dealing with these issues.
What to expect
Our highly trained sex therapists will take a relationship and sexual history during the first appointment and give each partner time to tell their own histories. If we can help, we will arrange to see a couple or individual on a weekly basis either online or face to face for up to an hour to work through a programme of sensate therapy to be undertaken in the privacy of their own home.
Sex therapy case study
John and Ann, a couple in their mid 30’s, approached Relate because they had lost interest in sex and thought they would like to start a family.
When discussing their past sexual relationship with the sex therapist they explained that they had enjoyed an active sex life but it was now infrequent because John was unable to ejaculate and experience an orgasm during sexual intercourse.
Following individual history taking to give the therapist more information, the couple agreed to attend weekly meetings with the therapist. They started a programme of treatment where they worked on a series of exercises in the privacy of their own home as advised by the therapist.
During one of the discussions John remembered a particularly embarrassing incident where as a boy his mother had taken him to the GP with an infection of the penis. This seemed to be a turning point for them and the work progressed well. The following year they wrote to tell us of the birth of their baby son.
Please note names have been changed for reasons of confidentiality.