Help for separating and divorced couples to reach a pre-court agreement on the practical matters
If you are separating or divorcing, or are a parent but have never had such a formal relationship, Family Mediation helps you sort out conflicts and the details of your separation – without involving a long, painful court battle or big legal fees.
It is now a requirement that when you make an application for a court order in relation to family law disputes, you need to show the court that you considered family mediation, by having attended a Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting (known as a MIAM), unless you are exempt.
What it is
Family mediation is a process where a trained independent mediator helps you work out arrangements with another participant (e.g. an ex-partner) concerning children, finance or property. We offer you and your ex-partner a safe, neutral place where professional mediators can help you work out what happens after you split up.

How it helps
Relate mediators are here to listen to you and your ex-partner explain your concerns and views to each other and help you reach an agreement around things like finances, arrangements for children, property and other assets. Mediation works by helping people find practical solutions that feel fair. We won’t try and get you back together and we can help even if you’ve been separated for a while.
What to expect
The initial meeting – either separately or together – will help you decide if mediation is right for you. The joint mediation sessions – usually around 90 minutes – will help you discuss and identify the solutions available to you both. The number of meetings will depend on your individual needs. When an agreement is reached, your Mediator will provide you with a written summary so that everyone is clear about what has been decided. Your agreement can also be made legally binding by the court.
Watch the video below of Irene, one of our Mediators talking about how Family Mediation works.
- Family Mediation gives you more say about what happens.
- It is quicker, cheaper and less stressful than a lengthy court process.
- It is easier on your children – when parents co-operate it helps them maintain important family relationships. (*If you are worried about your kids, we also offer counselling for children and young people)
- Sorting out child contact arrangements is easy with Family Mediation
Family mediation testimonial
“Our case was complex and difficult. We felt very safely and professionally held by our mediator during each session.
Our mediator also showed patience, empathy and understanding of our family circumstances which meant that on arrival to our session our mediator showed experience and professionalism in dealing with both parties so that progress was made to achieve the relevant outcome without further stress.
We also felt that our mediator recognised us as parents and gave us positive praise regarding our parenting and how she was already seeing signs that it would run smoothly following our divorce (co-parenting team mum and dad). This feedback came at a very difficult time for us and set a positive scene for our family’s future.
We feel that our mediator was highly experienced and calm and felt relieved that she was allocated to us. Thank you.”
Please note names have been changed for reasons of confidentiality.