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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 22nd ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING of Relate West Surrey will be held at 12:00 Noon on Thursday 24 November 2022 in the meeting room, 2nd floor, Provincial House, 26 Commercial Way, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6EN to consider and if thought fit, to pass the following ordinary resolutions.
- To receive the independently examined Annual Report and Accounts including the report of the trustees and directors for the year ended 31 March 2022.
- To re-elect Simon Collins as a Director.
- To re-elect Gary C. Couch as a Director.
- To re-elect Alex Nairn as a Director and Vice Chair.
- To re-elect Ajitpal Rehki as a Director.
- To re-elect Elizabeth Taylor as a Director.
- To elect Ian Wilder as a Director.
- To elect Laura Di Bonaventura as a Director.
- To re-elect Leslie J Mussett as a Director and Chair.
- To authorise the directors to appoint an Independent Examiner and to agree their remuneration.
Registered office:
Provincial House,
26 Commercial Way,
Woking, Surrey, GU21 6EN
By order of the Board
Elizabeth Taylor
Company Secretary
Date: 9 November 2022
For the information of Members
All proposed ordinary resolutions will be passed if more than 50 percent of the votes cast are in favour.
The quorum for the business to be transacted is three members present in person or by proxy. All votes at the meeting will be taken by a show of hands unless a poll before the result of the show of hands is requested in accordance with the provisions of Article 18.
In accordance with Article 23, every member of the centre will have one vote per resolution.
Resolutions 2022
Resolution 1 – A copy of the 2021/22 Annual Report is available by contacting liz@relatewestsurrey.org.uk
Resolution 2-6 – All the directors served throughout the year ended 31 March 2022 and held office at the date of this notice and will be seeking re-election at the Annual General Meeting.
Resolution 7 – Ian Wilder was appointed to the Board of Directors on 30 September 2022 and this being the first Annual General meeting since his appointment, offers himself for election.
Resolution 8 – Laura Di Bonaventura was appointed to the Board of Directors on 1 November 2022 and this being the first Annual General meeting since her appointment, offers herself for election.
Resolution 9 – In accordance with Article 34 of the Articles of Association, of the Company Leslie J Mussett was appointed as Chair at the Annual General Meeting held on 26 November 2020 for
a period of two years and expiring on the anniversary of his eighth year of office on 22 July 2022. As the Company has been unable to recruit a new Chair, (despite numerous advertisements) Relate National has given approval for the Chair to remain in office until such time that a new Chair has been appointed. Members are asked to approve the appointment of Leslie J Mussett for a further term of up to one year expiring either at the 2023 Annual General Meeting or on the appointment of a new Chair, whichever is earlier.
Resolution 10 – This resolution authorises the directors to appoint an Independent Examiner and to agree their remuneration. Warner Wilde have confirmed that they wish to continue in office.
Appointment of Directors
For the information of Members Company Articles 29 and 30 regarding nomination of Directors are reproduced below:
Article 29 – When Officers or elected Members of the Executive complete their terms of office, or if casual vacancies occur, the Executive will invite the members to provide nominations for candidates to stand for election.
Article 30 – Each Member of the Centre may nominate persons being individual Members or representatives of Corporate Members for each office and as other elected Members of the Executive. All nominations of such persons must be in the hands of the Secretary in writing fourteen days before the meeting. Any person who is at the date of nomination a duly appointed representative of a Corporate Member shall be eligible for election as an Officer or elected Member of the Executive.
Article 34 – In accordance with Article 34 of the Articles of Association, of the Company Leslie J Mussett was appointed as Chair at the Annual General Meeting held on 26 November 2020 for a period of two years expiring on the anniversary of his eighth year of office on 22 July 2022. As the Company has been unable to recruit a new Chair, (despite numerous advertisements) Relate National has given approval for the Chair to remain in office until such time that a new Chair has been appointed. As this is a short term arrangement, the Company is not planning to amend the Articles of Association.